Privacy Policies

Essential Information

Use of this policy

This policy applies to everyone using our app/website to avail of any kind of service whether it’s customer service or any professional service.
Here “you” is used for everyone using this platform to acquire our services.

While using this app, you share your data with us such as your email address, location, and contact no., and agree to the collection, storage, and use of this data by our app according to this policy.

Reviews and upgrades

We never forget to upgrade and overview our privacy policy and keep them updated whenever required and when any new relevant law shows up. This update is done regularly. We believe that the personal data being acquired from you should remain exact and updated. We also request you to consult with us if any of your data got any updates.

While using this app, you share your data with us such as your email address, location, and contact no., and agree to the collection, storage, and use of this data by our app according to this policy.

Services related to the third party

This platform contains links to other websites which are considered “Third Party Services”. When you will click on these links, these links might fetch the personal data that you shared with our platform. So, we must not be held responsible for any such activity. To prevention from such things, you can go ahead and first read about the privacy policies of such third- party service providers that are mentioned on our platform.

Collection of personal data

The following data about you will be collected by us:

  1. Contact Details: This includes mentioning your e-mail address, your permanent address, and your mobile number.

  2. Your identity: It involves mentioning your name and surname. It will also include your photographs and your Aadhaar and Pan card. The last two are collected to take strict action against any fraud that happens and also to do proper verification.

  3. Chat and Call Recording: Every chat and call happening with our professional through anybody using this platform will be recorded to make sure that no unnecessary conversation takes place and we can provide you with only authentic professionals.

  4. Activity tracking: Our platform will keep watch on which services and professionals you are willing to avail of you and how you are using them. Also, the activities being done by you on this platform, the history of your service/professional booking, your interests, details regarding the user journey, and views on the page.

What if you are not able to share with us your data?

When there is a requirement to use and have the data with us that we collect under the law, you are not able to share it with us. Then, we might not be able to avail of the required services for you. Also, if you do not share your required personal data with us, we might have to cancel your right to use our services.

The procedure we follow to collect your data

Various ways are taken into use to gather your personal information which include:.

  1. 1. Immediate Connections: Your personal information comes to us through you only while you connect with us. The personal information which comes to us when you:

  2. Build a connection with us by creating your account Take into use our services to conduct other activities concerning services. Share your problem with us regarding the platform or services provided by us, mention feedback, or contact us in any manner.

  3. Automatic technologies or connections: Every time the user goes on our platform to attain our services, their technical data will be gathered automatically by us regarding their browsing patterns and actions. This technical data will be gathered by us via cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, server logs, and another similar kind of technologies used by us on our platform. We might also have access to your technical data if you go to the websites that hire our cookies.

  4. Third parties/sources availed to the public: We will acquire your data via several thirdb parties:.

  5. Technical data will be acquired from analytics suppliers, for example, marketing networks. Identification of related data like profile data and contact details via professionals of service and sources being availed to the public, etc. Personal data of you via associate entities used by us.

Ways in which your data is used by us:

  1. Your data will only be used by us when we get an allowance from the law to provide you with security that your data will be used only at required places. Mostly, the information provided by you will be taken into use to avail services as per your requirement which will also help you utilize the professional services or when there is a need to conform with legal commitments. Your data is being used for the purposes mentioned below:

  2. To have your proper verification as per your registration with us as the user and to create your account on our platform.

    To avail of all services to you as per your relevance.

    To let you attain every professional service that our platform provides.

    To observe trends and personalize your perception.

    To enhance the way our services function which is built on the information and improvement comments given by you.

    To enhance our customer services to give quick and desired responses to service requests and support requirements.

    To gain tracking of the transactions and processing of the payments.

    To send you the notifications at regular time intervals to maintain a good relationship with you which will also involve keeping you updated regarding any changes we made in the services, also changes being done particularly in the services you are willing to avail will be conveyed to you with proper information and you will even receive company news infrequently regarding our platform.

    To gain access to the professional service that has been made available for you which involves sending you the relevant information and upgrades regarding the professional service that you requested.

    To promote and advertise the services to you.

    To conform with legal agreements.

    To manage and secure our business and the services, which also includes troubleshooting, analysis of the data, testing of the system, and functioning internal workings.

    To enhance the business mode and all sservices.

    To perform all the commitments which come out of the arrangements made in which we are about to come in or have already come with you.

    To administer our teams

    To respond to all the court ideas, build and usage of our legal rights, or protect ourselves from any wrong legal claim.

  3. You provide agreement and acknowledgment that with the help of taking our services into use and creating your account on our platform, you approve us as authorized, our professionals providing you with services, partners associated with us, and affiliates to connect you through email, phone, or any other way. This is being implemented to provide you with your required services and make sure that you know all about every feature of the services you are availing of and for related agendas.

  4. You also agree and acknowledge that any information that we have of you, whether we gained it directly or indirectly by you (through services) involves personal information, and also any other information is shared by you with us like emails, instructions given by you, etc. might get gathered, conformed and shared through us to avail services to you. This might include the professionals that help provide professional services, third-party service providers, data analytical providers, and consultants. E might use this information you shared with us with other entities associated with the on-time wages group for the purpose that is being mentioned above.

  5. You also agree and acknowledge that we have the right to share the data we have without consulting it with you when any court order or law or government agency needs it. This kind of revelation of information is always done with good trust. This revelation is only done when it is essential to disclose this information following our policy or to conform with any type of relevant law and legal agreements.

About Cookies

  1. Cookies are a small piece of information that any website or its service provider gives to a hard drive via the web browser (if permission for this is granted) that allows sites and systems of a service provider to identify the browser and keep in mind some required and particular information needed to avail desired services.

  2. We consider using cookies to let you know that you are different from other users using our platform, also it helps us let us know about your preferences which might help us to provide you with relevant information in the future. Cookies are also used by us to track marketing and collect combined data regarding the traffic and connection on the site so that you can gain the best user experience. We may also interact with our third-party service provider to understand your preferences in a better way. Most importantly, to keep your information secure, these third-party service providers do not have any right to take your information on our behalf, information is used by these third parties only when we need help to perform and enhance our business.

  3. In addition, you can also deny the cookies of a third party which get displayed while you are using our platform. We have no control over the cookies being utilized by third parties. If you share your personal information like emails, or if third parties share with us their information regarding the activities you perform, we might gather this kind of information but only within your specific file.

The revelation of your data

We might provide your data with the third parties on our platform for the following reasons:

  1. Service professionals need to gain allowance to let you have access to their professional services.

  2. External third parties like: Third parties on which we have trust like partners associated with us and service providers that provide you with our services or from our side. These services are hosting and functioning our platform, providing advertising support, performing our business, processing payments and procedures used for any kind of transactions, transferring the content, and availing our services to you.

  3. Analytical service providers and marketing connections that help towards performing web analytics for our platform to enhance our platform functioning. Such analytical providers on the platform might consider using cookies or any other technology to conduct their services.

    Another user on our platform who is registered with us on your request or where there is clear consent for this kind of revelation of your personal information.

    Other entities when asked by the law and regulations.

    About the rights, you have concerning your data.

    Right to use and revise your data: Here you give surety that all the personal information you share with us is exact and is not wrong and also updated. When you consider using the services of our platform, we put in our maximum efforts to let you gain access or the right to fix any data which is not correct or not updated, following any kind of legal requirement.

    Selecting advertising and marketing interactions: When we consider sending you information regarding advertising and promotion via emails, we put in our maximum efforts to help you gain the right to opt for such interactions on emails being sent to you.

    Deleting the account and removing personal data

    Despite any information being mentioned in the terms, you always have the option of deleting your account and your data whenever you want to do so by sending an email to (email address of our platform). Within a few days after you processed your request, your account/personal information will be deleted from our platform. Once, your account/personal information gets removed from our platform, you will not have the right to acquire the service provided by our platform anymore.

Transmitting your data

  1. We always conform to the laws applicable to storing and transmitting the personal data present on our platform by you. Also, when you will use service from our platform, the information might get transmitted to other countries as well except the base country. This might take place if we locate our servers in other countries except for our base country. This can also happen when any partner associated with us is located other than our base country.

  2. By sharing your information and personal data with us, you agree and acknowledge that it is acceptable to you if we store, use, transmit and process your information and personal data in the way that has been already elaborated above.

Data Security

  1. We execute correct and relevant measures related to security and features of privacy- security over our platform which takes into consideration encryption, password security, and call and chat recording to keep your data safe and secure from any kind of illegal access and revelation, and also never fails to follow all the standards being set by the law applicable.

  2. Where you have set your password for availing information about any particular type of professional service, it is your responsibility to not reveal that password and keep it only till you. We will not be held responsible if you face any illegal use of information or if your lost password gets stolen and also for any kind of illegal revelation that occurred on your account because you lost or gave access to your password to someone else. We can help you only when you contact us or process a request for a change of your password if you lost/forgot your password, this is the only way we can help you, but we will not take any responsibility for any unauthorized activity performed on your account because your password got stolen.

User Produced Subject-matter

We allow our users to post content like comments, feedback, pictures, or any such information on our platform that they want us to make visible on our platform. You need to know that this kind of content being posted on our platform is shown to all our users and also this can become public. Next, you agree to conform to all our applicable laws concerning the information you uploaded on our platform. You also agree and acknowledge that you are the only responsible person if any one of the information uploaded by you on our platform becomes public and is against the applicable laws.

Updates made on this policy

  1. We will update this policy from time to time, If any changes are made to this policy, a revised policy frame will be displayed on our platform otherwise you will that updates will be conveyed to you through some other means like emails, but at the end, you will be aware of every update being made on our policy.

  2. We suggest you have a look over this policy occasionally to let yourself know about any updates being made to this policy.

Complaint Officer

If any question arises regarding this policy on our platform, or how your data is being tackled or processed, or else, you can come to us, with your questions, suggestions, and comments by contacting our complaint officer.

Here are the contact details of our complaint officer:

Name: Support Team

Email address: